Tourism And The Visitor Economy in White Cliffs Country

The tourism market is a highly competitive business and those destinations who are likely to succeed, are those who best understand the environment in which they operate.

Following the industry-respected Cambridge Economic Impact Model result for 2019, we understand that tourism in White Cliffs Country is worth in excess of £305 million annually, supports 6,071 actual jobs and welcomes 8.5% of all visitors to Kent. In addition to the district wide report, Dover District Council also commissioned research on behalf of the towns of Dover, Deal and Sandwich. You can download the district wide report and town reports here.

The market is changing, and it is essential that we look to grow our visitor and tourism economy in new and unique ways. Demand for active pursuits and activities to escape the everyday is now something that many want, as is to have a ‘local experience’ and immerse in local culture, events, produce and experiences.

The world and people have changed and continue to do so. We need to embrace digital and be everywhere, as well as grasp social economics. Websites, digital channels and social media have transformed the way we live, interact, plan and do business. Nowadays we have to join the movement or be left behind. Shareable content, stories, images and video are the new kings.

What do we want to achieve

Building on past success, Dover District Council’s new focus is about added value and stimulating market growth. Over the coming months we will be delivering a new Tourism and Visitor Economy Strategy. This will create a unique opportunity to showcase the very best of White Cliffs Country to external and internal audiences in a way no other sector can and in a way that will position the district and our towns as ‘great places to live, work, visit, learn and invest.’